The Huge Cost of just ONE BVD Positive Animal!
With most of the calves on the ground and bulls ready to go to work, this month’s Herd Mentality presents an article recently published in the April edition of Beef Magazine (page 24) that emphasizes the risk of having even one BVDv-PI animal in the herd and the importance of BVDv-PI testing.
To read the article, All it takes is one: Catching and preventing persistent infection of BVD in your herd starts with a biosecurity mindset, by Burt Rutherford click:
We hope this article is of interest, and provides you with information on the positive value of identifying and removing BVDv-PI animals from your operation. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you and your veterinarian to implement a testing program.
Our BVD testing submission forms and disease information can quickly be accessed and downloaded at our new website, along with information about all of our other products and services.
If you have questions regarding information in the article or our health management services in general, please feel free to call 877.278.1344 or email
As always, we appreciate your business.
Michael Coe, DVM, PhD
VP Animal Health
Animal Profiling International Inc.
6040 N. Cutter Circle, Suite 317
Portland, OR 97217