A great article to read and learn more from Wiley Online Library. BVDV in Australian alpacas: natural infection and clinical profiles following co‐mingling with a persistently infected heifer
LinkedIn Cattle Ranchers Group – Great place to exchange ideas & information
Do you belong to the Cattle Ranchers LinkedIn Group? If not, you should think about joining it. The group covers topics and exchanges ideas on a number of the issues cattle owners face. This professional networking group is comprised of business professionals who own or desire to own a cattle ranch. Their mission is to provide […]
Five Tips to Help Control Scours – Progressive Cattleman
The USDA reports that 61 percent of calfhood sickness is due to scours. Severe cases of scours can affect animal growth and impact overall performance and profitability. Read more about preventing or controlling scours and how to test for it. Read full story at Progressive Cattleman >
Neospora Testing Can Help Reduce Losses in Cattle Abortion
Neospora Caninum was first identified as a cause of abortion in cattle in the late 1990’s and has become a commonly diagnosed problem worldwide. Neospora caninum can also cause stillbirths and convulsions in newborn calves. There is no treatment for this problem, but Neospora testing and removing infected animals can reduce losses. Read the full […]
BVD, BLV, Johnes… Economic Losses to your Dairy
By Tom Shelton, M.S., D.V.M., Merck Animal Health, and Michael Coe, D.V.M., Ph.D., Animal Profiling International, for Progressive Dairyman Strategies to Protect Your Investment Chronic immunosuppressive diseases have a significant economic impact on many areas of a dairy. In the case of persistently infected (PI) cows, they often cull themselves early for a number of […]
BioSecurity – The Value to Your Dairy Operation
By Tom Shelton, M.S., D.V.M., Merck Animal Health, and Michael Coe, D.V.M., Ph.D., Animal Profiling International, for Progressive Dairyman Screening, Removing BVD-PI Cows Pays Big Implementing biosecurity measures on a dairy requires time and money, but the cost of diseases, in terms of treatment, lost production and animal well-being, also impose significant costs. There is […]
Set Up a BioSecurity Program for Your Herd
By Tom Shelton, M.S., D.V.M., Merck Animal Health and Michael Coe, DVM, PhD, Animal Profiling International, for Progressive Dairyman The dairy industry continues to change as the numbers of farms are decreasing and the numbers of cows per farm are increasing. Introducing new animals to a herd can increase the risk for a Bovine Viral […]
Your Veterinarian Partner: Proper Vaccination, Biosecurity and Biocontainment Strategies
The presence of BVDv-PI animals in beef herds is not common in beef operations. For example, over the last eight years the number of herds with at least one PI animal has been less than 10% of the herd routinely tested. However, when we do find a herd that has BVDv-PI animals, there is usually […]
BLV: The Silent Bulk Tank Thief
As always, our goal with Herd Mentality is to present timely information related to herd health. The Silent Bulk Tank Thief, an article by Abby Bauer, Associate Editor, recently published on Hoard’s Dairyman Intel provides a concise summary of the value of a BLV surveillance program. To read the article, click: https://hoards.com/article-15897-the-silent-bulk-tank-thief.html We hope this article […]
Is there a BVDV-PI cow causing my reproduction problems?
By Tom Shelton, M.S., D.V.M., Merck Animal Health and Michael Coe, DVM, PhD, Animal Profiling International, for Progressive Dairyman In a recent three-part series, we provided perspectives and ideas on how to address bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and related issues in dairy herds. In the first article, we compared National Animal Health Monitoring System […]